
Google’s Relationship with Organics in SEO

Let’s talk about how ranking in search engines works. And, how Organic SEO and Google are linked. Before we can talk about Organic SEO, it’s important to understand Google, and why it plays such a large role in your organic SEO strategy.

Google as a search engine has a big responsibility and capacity. The main aim of this most popular search engine is, to ensure that when a user performs a search query, it will provide the most informative and useful results.

Google wants the results it delivers, to be an all-encompassing resource. Matches a user’s search intent – information they want to find when searching online.

Not only that, Google also cares about the experience its users will have on the website. So, Google also sees things; such as User Experience given by the website, page speed, and Dwell Time on the website.

* User Experience; Experience or quality of user visits to your website

* Page Speed; How fast your website pages load

* Dwell Time; How long is the duration that users spend on your website

Why is Organic in SEO important?

if you don’t rank highly, you guessed it – your website isn’t going to get any huge amount of traffic. This means that your site will struggle to generate sales and lead to business success.

Organic for SEO is very important! Due to 85% in usage, it is surprising that it will never get past the first page of search results.

How does it work ?

I will explain how it works through this article. It includes everything related to it and the basics, factors, techniques.

What is SEO?

SEO is a series of techniques for increasing the number of visitors through organic search. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Part of a digital marketing strategy. For more details, you can read the previous article

Organic SEO is an online marketing strategy that consists of more detailed sub-strategies, such as keyword research and link building. To drive your website ranking at the top of the organic search engine result pages. Or get visits from unpaid search results.

For more information about Google SEO Malaysia, please visit

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