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Get to know link building in SEO and how to do it

What Is Link Building?

The definition of link building in simple terms is a certain technique so that other websites want to provide a link (link) to our website. The reasons vary, it could be because you are a business partner of the website, there is a relationship, or because your website contains useful articles, and so on.

Why is Link Building Important In SEO?

Because the number of links that lead to your website is one of the most important ranking factors in the eyes of Google. This means that if you want to increase the ranking of your website, one of the things that must be done is how your website can get lots of links from other websites.

Not only a lot, the quality of the links you get is also very important. Can not link arbitrary. If you get most of the backlinks that come from “junk” websites that contain spam, then one of the things that your website ranking on Google can be even more sinking.

Important Rules to Know

To do link building, there are 3 main rules that must be considered:

  1. Looks Natural 

Yes, right. If you do link building on purpose, in theory you could say you’re trying to manipulate Google’s ranking, and Google doesn’t like that. But if you wait passively for other websites to provide links, of course it will take a long time before there are results.

The solution? Link building must be done naturally and naturally. If you suddenly get thousands of backlinks in a day, or the backlinks come from similar websites, with the same anchor text, then it is arguably unnatural.

  1. Coming from a quality website

Get lots of backlinks but if they come from spam websites it will all be useless. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of website your backlink comes from. The more quality a website is, the higher the backlink score it gets in Google’s eyes.

A quality website has the following characteristics:

– Has high enough traffic

– Activities and interactions on the website are quite alive, not dead websites

– No spam element

– Contains quality content

  1. Coming from websites with similar topics

If your website contains a topic about “web design tutorials”, it would be very good if you can get backlinks from websites with similar topics. For example, from a website about graphic design, from a blogger who likes the world of web design, or from a news portal that discusses web design trends.

The more backlinks that come from websites with similar topics, the more relevant your website is to Google.

The main mission of the Google search engine is to display the most relevant search results. Therefore, if you want your website to appear on the front page, it is very important to make your website relevant to the desired keywords, and one way is to get backlinks from websites that have similar topics.

How to do it?

After knowing these rules, maybe you will think that link building is difficult. Yes, it is difficult, and you could say this is the hardest part of the SEO process. You have a choice, use backlink services or do it yourself.

If you want to do it yourself, here are some tips you can do:

  • Fill your website with articles or helpful tips
  • Share these tips in forums that discuss the topic, but DO NOT SPAM!
  • Be active in contributing to online communities that discuss this topic
  • Have a relationship with other netizens who have the same interests as the topic
  • Actively contributing articles on blogs or websites that discuss these topics

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