sme digitisation grant

Why Should a Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Apply for a SME Grant?

Change is unavoidable as time passes. This is very much the case in the corporate sector.

In this day and age, promoting your business in the newspaper or on the radio is considered “traditional.”

With the SME grant in Malaysia, you are only a few steps away from entering the world of digital marketing.


  • Conserve money


When compared to more traditional marketing methods, digital marketing is more cost-effective.

Because of the old marketing technique, SMEs had difficulty competing with larger enterprises back then.

Advertising on channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, and others is quite expensive. Because they are financially powerful, large corporations have traditionally taken excellent use of this.

SME’s and large enterprises, on the other hand, are in the same area when it comes to digital marketing.

This way is less expensive, and the greatest part is that the audience is larger.

So, certainly, your little and medium-sized business can now compete with the big players.


  • Identify Ideal Customers


Rather than randomly presenting your goods to the general public, digital marketing can pinpoint your target consumers.

It is hard to target people using the old way since it is akin to gambling on the outcome of a lottery.

In contrast to digital marketing, you have more control since you can target certain clients.

You may efficiently reach out to your desired audience by using strategies such as SEO,web design , and Google ads.


  • Monitor Progress


Third, you can track your digital marketing progress.

You undoubtedly want to see results or at least favourable growth after investing your money.

You will be able to strategize and make business decisions more effectively as a result of this.

Your company can constantly improve and conduct better advertising.


  • Adaptability to Change


When using the traditional way, you must exercise caution before investing money on advertising.

This is due to the fact that it is very hard to make adjustments once you have advertised.

For example, if you make modifications to your items, you won’t be able to update the billboard.

Digital marketing is far more adaptable since adjustments can be made at any time.

All of your online campaigns may be adjusted. This is helpful if you want to push your campaign to achieve the greatest outcomes.


  • Boost Conversion Rate


The ultimate purpose of running a business is to produce outcomes.

The digital marketing strategy gives you a better chance of doing this.

Because of your capacity to target individual leads, you may significantly increase your conversion rate

As a consequence, your chances improve, and your organisation obtains more conversions.

With this funding, you will be able to move your firm forward.

So, which organisation should you contact?

Nuweb Digital Marketing Service Eligible for SME Matching Grant let’s see the plan that offer by Nuweb:

    -SEO Googloe 60% off @ RM5,000 ONLY. Boost your online branding and get traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing daily!
    -Google Ads + Landing Page 54% off @ RM5,000 ONLY. Get more sales and reach out to a wider international market with Google Ads
    -Google Ads 50% off @ RM5,000 ONLY. Get more sales and reach out to a wider international market with Google Ads
    -Web Design + Google Ads 57% off @ RM5,000 ONLY. Get more sales and reach out to a wider international market with Google Ads

For more information about sme digitisation grant malaysia, please visit

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